
Morley Primary School

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Morley Primary School

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Remote Education

Remote Education


Firstly, a huge thank you to so many parents who completed our Home Learning Survey in July 2020 to reflect on what worked well and what could have been even better for home learning. We would also like to extend our thanks to everybody for supporting the children during this time. This was a new way of working for everybody so we appreciate your feedback. In light of this feedback and in case of any further school closures, we would like to share with you our home learning plan which would start immediately on the first day of any school closures due to COVID-19.



Children use Seesaw extensively in school during all lessons.  They are, therefore, proficient in how to use all the functions of the app and all of its features.  Seesaw will be the platform for our Home Learning.  All children have received their Home Learning Seesaw Codes - this allows children to access the full Seesaw platform. Please see your child's class teacher if you require any support in using the Seesaw app.   

Home Learning Overview


  • Daily Zoom Register where we expect all children to virtually attend. This will be an important 15 - 20 minutes as the day’s work will be explained and the previous day’s work will be reflected upon. The time table will be as follows (Zoom code to be published on Seesaw)

    • Class 3: 9.05am

    • Class 2: 9.20am

    • Class 1: 9.35am

  • Please contact your child’s class teacher each day if your child will not be able to join this session

  • Children will have both an English and Maths lesson each day on Seesaw which will

    include pre-recorded teaching videos and activities.

  • We expect that children will complete the English and Maths on the day they are set.

  • Children will also be given a wide range of subjects throughout the week, for example:

    science, history/geography, art and RE. To allow for individual flexibility at home,

    children will have until the end of the week to complete these activities.

  • Class 1 will also have daily Phonics pre-recorded lessons.

  • Reading, Times tables, Phonics and Spellings will continue as normal.

  • All activities for the day will be made live at 7.30am each day.

  • Teachers will provide feedback on work uploaded to Seesaw - this can be found in the comments section alongside each piece of uploaded work.

  • Dojo points will be rewarded.

  • PE links and suggestions to engaging online videos will be shared on Seesaw.

  • Please use Class Dojo to contact your child’s class teacher for any questions or concerns.

Live Home Learning at Home


A live morning session will take place for all children at the set time each day (Class 3 9.05am, Class 2 9.20am and Class 1 9.35am).  The purpose of this morning register session is to support children by providing the class with an overview of the work which is expected to be completed that day and provide an overview of the day's learning.  


Particular group or class live Zoom lessons will take place during the period the class are out of school - children will be informed of the timings of these live Zoom lessons during the morning live session.  In addition, pre-recorded (or recorded live) sessions will be provided and can be located within 'Activities' on Seesaw. These can be completed at any time within the day.


Weekly regular one to one Zoom Drop Ins will be available for the children to speak directly to their class teacher about their learning or to have a chat.  Additionally,  weekly whole class live sessions, book groups, bedtime stories, pet shows and assemblies will take place throughout the week.

Digital Equipment:


Please contact the school if children will not have the relevant technology to access Seesaw at home as we will be able to work with parents to supply iPads, BT Wifi or laptops. 
