
Morley Primary School

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Morley Primary School

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Morley Primary School Video

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Please watch our video to see the Morley Feeling

Morley Admissions Statement

Morley Primary School is a Local Authority Community school, funded by Derbyshire County Council.  As such, we are under the aegis of Derbyshire County Council regarding admissions, and follow the structure and procedures laid down in their Coordinated Admissions Scheme by Derbyshire County Council regarding the admissions process, and admissions to school.

Derbyshire County Council is our home authority.  Pupils requesting placement for admission to school from out of authority (for example, from Derby City) must apply to their home authority for a place in school. 

Derbyshire County Council will coordinate the admissions process into school, and inform parents accordingly.

Schools may no longer accept approaches directly from parents, or convey decisions regarding school places.  No place may be offered directly by the school.

For further information please refer to Co-ordinated admissions scheme - Derbyshire County Council


Morley Primary School's PAN (Pupil Admission Number) is 10 in Reception each year.


In year school transfers

Information regarding changing schools during the school year can be found here:

In year school transfers



Information regarding admission appeals can be found here:





If you would like to book to see our school please contact Mr Taylor (Headmaster) using the form below
