Morley Primary School Governance Statement March 2019
The Morley Primary School Governing Board ensures that the three strategic functions required by Government are operating at our school. These are:
1. Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
2. Hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
3. Oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure funds are well spent.
Governance arrangements
At the time of writing, the Governing Board of Morley Primary School consists of:
Three Parent Governors
One Local Authority Governor
One Staff Governor
Two Community Governors
One Associate Governor
The Headteacher
There is currently a vacancy for a parent governor. The Board is actively campaigning for a parent governor to join us. If you believe you have the qualities required to fill this post please contact one of the Governors or the Head Teacher. We work with staff, pupils and parents to help children enjoy their learning and achieve excellence in all aspects of school life.
Celebrating school successes.
Our focus continues to be firmly directed at improving outcomes for all children by delivering high quality teaching and maximising progress and attainment, consistent with the school motto ‘Where everything can be achieved’.
Pupils, staff and the whole school have had another fantastic year, and Governors are delighted to acknowledge these and congratulate the school. It appears that Morley Primary School was 30th in the whole country this year, which is pretty jolly phenomenal. We share results of 100% with only 76 schools, that is out of 12,500+ state maintained primaries. (not counting academies as they don't have to teach the national curriculum). Key stage 2 results were the highest we have seen, and within Derbyshire schools our writing score was well above average. All pupils reached the expected standard in all subjects; the majority reached the highest standard. More detail with tabulated results are available on the school website Well done to all pupils, parents and staff.
The school’s annual Village Show took place on Sunday 9th September with lots of categories for produce and crafts for both children and adults, and lots of stalls and activities, finishing with the grand auction of produce by Radio Derby DJ Mr Andy Twigge. A huge 'thank you' to all the parents, staff and children who helped in so many different ways. We are delighted that pupils enter into the spirit of the show.
Last year’s academic year ended with a fantastic performance by the school choir at the Morley Gala, and since then we have seen continued involvement in some fabulous events that have been included in the school’s website events gallery.
Work Done by the Governing Body
A review of skills has taken place to ensure that the Governing Body is comprised of people who have the combined skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school and maintenance of its ethos and strategic direction. The full Governing Body meets once each half term, with an agenda which focuses on staffing, pupils, school improvement, standards and curriculum matters, finance, premises, health and safety; safeguarding. We also consider pupil discipline and staffing recruitment. We also have responsibility for the continuity of top-quality staff.
We would like to remind parents that greater financial pressures and increased legislative burden on administration mean that staff are hard-pressed to ensure teaching maintains the high standards the school has set for itself, and the cooperation and support of parents and pupils is important to ensure that staff feel valued and are able to keep up those standards.
Named Governors have specific responsibility for one or more areas of school life. In this capacity they visit school to meet with their school staff link member to monitor the impact of school improvement policy (SIP) activities. These roles are directly linked to the key school improvement issues, as well as to those of Early Years, Special Educational Needs, Health and Safety and Child Protection. Individual responsibilities are shown below.
Link Governors |
Linked member of staff |
Improve attainment in phonics and spelling in KS1 and EYFS so that more pupils reach the higher standard |
C Doyle |
T Taylor |
Improve the work of governor monitoring so that governance is more effective |
J Elwell |
K Marsland |
Develop the system for assessing without levels across all subjects |
C Harahan |
All staff |
Ensure that changes in staffing are well supported so that impact is positive on all pupils in all year groups |
J Elwell |
K Marsland |
Ensure progress improves across KS1 and is maintained at KS2 |
C Harahan |
K Marsland |
Ensure that provision for science is at the same high level as that of English and maths |
J Campbell |
T Taylor |
Child Protection and Looked After Children |
E Swan |
K Marsland |
C Doyle |
T Taylor |
C Doyle |
H Richards |
H&S |
T McKinley |
H Rhodes |
Anti-bullying |
E Swan |
T Taylor |
Governing Body meetings have been regular and busy, with good attendance. Six Full Governing Body meetings were held this year. Governors also held a Governor support meeting with the school advisor where we developed our understanding of all aspects of the academic year, in order to support the school more effectively. One of the roles for the Governors is reviewing and agreeing school policies. Governors have reviewed and updated many policies this year and have worked with the Headteacher and staff to complete an evidence grid for monitoring British Values. Policies are available on the school website.
Governors welcomed three new members to the Governing Body last year. These Governors have now received formal training to ensure that we are well prepared to support the school. We recognise the importance of training in equipping Governors for the complexities of education and changes to procedures and the ways teaching is delivered.
The Governors monitor the maintenance and development of the school premises and make decisions about the school budget. We produce an annual statement of financial control as required by the Local Authority. As with all schools, budgets are tight, but we are pleased to report that we continue to maintain a balanced budget with a small contingency carry over each year. The budget will continue to be reviewed throughout the academic year to ensure solvency and probity thereby ensuring our financial resources are being used effectively. The school budget, and Health and Safety practices have been closely monitored, and we thank Mrs Rhodes for her tireless commitment in these areas. We are delighted that the school is able to prioritise funding appropriately, and that everything is done to ensure children’s safety, as well as that of the staff and visitors alike.
Governors have a statutory duty for Safeguarding and Eileen Swan is our designated Child Protection and Safeguarding Governor. She delivers a termly report to the Governors about any safeguarding matters. An Annual report on Safeguarding is submitted to the Local authority. There have been no issues of concern.
The Governing Body also has a duty to monitor our “vulnerable groups” of children and to focus on how the Pupil Premium Grant is being spent by the school and what impact this has on outcomes. Intervention strategies and their impact on pupil progress are monitored termly. Due to our small cohorts, this information is not published as it could identify individual pupils.
The School operates a formal complaints process and we are pleased to note that any complaints are dealt with quickly and none of them are of a serious or repetitive nature.
Key Issues faced by the Governing body during 2018-19