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KS2 Reading Workshop January 2023

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A recording of the reading workshop given to KS2 parents on 23rd January 2023. This workshop focused on why reading is so important, how we teach reading through a whole-school approach at Morley and how parents and carers can support their child's reading at home.
Thank you for watching.

Reading at Morley Primary School


ASPIRE is our whole-school approach to the teaching of reading.

We teach children how to ask questions, summarise what they have read, predict what may happen next, interpret and infer, retrieve from different texts and to explain the meaning of key vocabulary. All of these skills are vital to becoming a life-long, passionate and confident reader:

Our bespoke reading comprehension strategy - ASPIRE - is embedded across all classes and has shown to have had significant impact upon children's reading attainment and progress by the end of Key Stage 2. 

For more information on how we have developed reading at Morley Primary School, please see the link below. 

ASPIRE Reading Progression

Reading Books

Our main reading scheme is Big Cat, which runs throughout school. This links to the phonics scheme so that progression is seamless. The main reading scheme is supplemented by a wide range of other reading material, both fiction and non-fiction. The reading scheme is organised into bands through which children progress at their own speed. School staff will move children through the bands when both their decoding and comprehension skills show they are ready.

Reading Challenge

Children in class two and three take part in a reading challenge each year. Their challenge is to read 8-10 books that have been carefully chosen by their class teacher. They are a mixture of classic, modern, picture and non-fiction books and the books have been chosen to encourage children's reading for pleasure. The books can be read at home or in school and we hope that the children enjoy book discussions with their peers who have also read the same book. Can you complete the reading challenge by Summer 2023?
