Please find below our GDPR Policy including our up to date Privacy Notice which sets out what personal data is held for parents/guardians and their children. This explains why we hold the data, who it is shared with and the individual's rights in relation to how the data is processed. You will also find below information about how to make a subject access request to the information we hold. Our staff also adhere to Acceptable Use Policies surrounding GDPR such as:
Under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) we are required to inform parents of any companies with whom we share data. Data can be any form of information which may identify individuals. Companies receiving data have to show that they keep such data securely held. Data cannot be shared with companies unless they are GDPR compliant.
School Health Team
Transitioning Secondary Schools
The Local Authority
PrimarySite (the school website provider)
Class Dojo
Nessy Dyslexia Screening
Reading Plus
Times Tables Rockstars
Sonar Assessment
Our Data Protection Officer is Mr Taylor
If you would like more information surrounding GDPR for organisations and education see the links below: