Having regard for equality
We believe that Morley School has regard for equality issues because equality is engrained in all that we do. All pupils and parents have a right to access all that we offer, and if a difficulty comes to light, we will find a way to make it work.
All public authorities must conform to the Equality Act 2010, particularly the general duty and the specific duties towards individuals and groups with protected characteristics.
General Equality Duty
Public authorities must:
· eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation;
· advance equality of opportunity and
· foster good relations between groups.
Specific Duties
Public authorities will:
· publish relevant information showing compliance with the general equality duty.
· set equality objectives and review them by April 2016 at the latest; then every four years after that.
Groups with Protected Characteristics
The equality duties are to be applied to individuals from groups with the following protected characteristics.
· Age (for employees only)
· Disability
· Race
· Gender
· Gender reassignment
· Pregnancy and maternity
· Religion or belief
· Sexual orientation