At Morley Primary, we teach PSHCE and RSE under the theme of Life Skills. We use the Derbyshire PSHE Matters scheme, which covers the full range of PSHE themes. These are:
1. Drug Education - including how to manage risk and peer influences (substance misuse)
2. Exploring Emotions - including how to recognise and manage feelings and emotions (resilience)
3. Being Healthy - including the importance of looking after our mental health
4. Growing up - including the Sex Education element
5. Changes - including loss
6. Bullying Matters - including how to ask for help (and cyber bullying)
7. Being Me - including identity and community (social media – life in likes)
8. Difference and Diversity - including challenging stereotypes (preventing extremism)
9. Being Responsible - including looking after the environment
10. Being Safe - particularly featuring cyber, gaming, on line abuse, and CSE (specific safeguarding issues)
11. Relationships - including what is a healthy relationship and child on child abuse
12. Money Matters - including enterprise
The attached document lists the specific safeguarding elements which we are required to cover as appropriate to our pupils’ ages and abilities. At Morley, all staff are trained to be aware of these issues, and will deal with any concerns appropriately. Some elements will not be taught discretely, but may be woven in part, into other themes. This list is for staff and parents’ information.