
Morley Primary School

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Morley Primary School

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Attendance and Late/Absence Procedures

If your child is absent for any reason, please contact the school office to let us know by 9am at the latest.  We will telephone if we have not heard from you from 9.15am.


  • 8.30am School Gates Open 
  • 8.45am School Doors Open
  • 8.55am Register ~ your child will be marked as 'Late Before Registers Closed' (L) if they arrive between 9am and 9.10am
  • 9.10am Register Closes ~ your child will be marked as 'Late After Registers Closed' (U).
  • KS1 - 8.45am to 3.20pm - 6 hours and 35 minutes, 32.55 per week
  • KS2 - 8.45 to 3.30pm - 6 hours and 45 minutes, 33.45 per week


Children are encouraged to maintain good attendance. Our attendance target for 2022-23 is 97.5%.


In line with current government policy, Morley Primary School will not approve any term time holiday requests. Routine medical appointments should be taken outside of school hours, although emergency appointments, and hospital appointments, are allowed as these are exceptional. Please see our attendance policy and other government and local authority guidance for more details.


Late procedures

If you know your child will be late to school, please notify the school office and book a school lunch if required as these are ordered from Scargill's kitchens by 9.30am.


Please bring all latecomers to the front door, through the school garden and report to the school office.  Thank you.

Attendance Policy

