
Morley Primary School

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Morley Primary School

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At Morley we believe that everyone has the right to be treated fairly. Children pride themselves on treating others as they would wish to be treated. We ensure that all pupils, parents, staff and visitors are welcomed with a spirit of equality, above the legal requirements.

Our Equalities Statement


Our pupils, staff, parents and governors work together to draw up:


Our Vision                              


Our School Aims        


Our school Motto


Discussion included such questions as:


What if you’re not good at…..?


What if you find learning difficult?


What if you’ve got a physical difficulty?


We feel that equal opportunities for all are implicit in these documents and embedded in day to day school practice.


We have identified three equality objectives:


  • To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and understanding through a wide variety of opportunities, with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity.
  • To ensure good or better progression for all pupils regardless of gender.
  • To ensure that our school provides an appropriate and engaging educational experience to all pupils


How are we going to develop these areas?


  • Study and celebrate cultural events.  Extend faiths studied through R.E.
  • Track progress data by gender from baseline entry to end of KS2.  Put in intervention strategies where underachievement identified.
  • Monitor progress of SEND pupil progress. 


You can read our complete policy here

